2012년 8월 8일 수요일

Structure & Principle of MAXIMALIGHT Induction Lamp

The electrode-less lamp, like ordinary lamps, is filled with various gases. The difference lies in the heat conduction. The electrode-less lamp uses a magnetic energy to excite the gases, rather than an arc across a filament.
If a electronic ballast powering the power coupler is generating a high frequency of 2.65Mhz, an electronic induction field is created in the lamp exciting the pinned gases in the bulb, thus producing ultraviolet rays. The induction field also excites the triangular fluorescent material on the inner surface of the build, emitting light in the form of visible rays.
The electrode-less lamp should be used for industrial installations of 5 Meters or higher.
The MAXIMALIGHT, electrodeless induction lamp system, has excellent and distinct properties such as
long lifespan, high efficiency and true color!

댓글 1개:

  1. Nice blog,thanks for sharing information,being on of best manufacturers of Induction lamps we agree that these lamps are having long lifespan and high efficiency.
